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Italian coffee

During your holiday in Italy, be sure to have at least one cup of coffee at a local café. Although coffee is not grown in Italy, it is imported here in bulk and processed in small roasters.
Italians drink coffee for just a few minutes, 2-3 sips. In the morning, they prefer capuccino or latte with a sweet croissant, and at any time during the day then an ordinary espresso - even until late in the evening.
Attention: the price of coffee that you order for a table is often higher than the price drunk at the counter.

The most common types of coffee that you can order in Italian cafes (referred to as bars):
Espresso - drink with a volume of 25-30 ml,
Ristretto - strong drink prepared the same as espresso, but with a smaller amount of water - 15-20 ml,
Espresso Doppio - double espresso prepared from a large amount of coffee and water,
Espresso Macchiato - espresso with frothed milk,
Lungo, caffe grande - more espresso, the same amount of coffee but more water
Caffe' Latte - espresso with hot milk (or even hot milk foam), most often served for breakfast
Latte Macchiato - a tricolor drink served in a tall glass, consisting of coffee, milk and milk foam, the individual layers should be visually separated,
Cappuccino - a very popular drink consists of 1/3 coffee (one espresso), 1/3 milk and 1/3 milk foam,
Americano - espresso with an added portion of hot water,
Espresso con panna - espresso with cream,
Espresso Corretto - "improved "espresso with a drop of grappa, brandy or liqueur

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